
“Harry Isn’t Happy”

I want to present to you another song of mine called “Harry Isn’t Happy,” though this one harkens back many years to a time where I lived a life very different from the one I live now. I lived in San Francisco and later Oakland building a systems consulting company with my friend and business […]

america VanLife work

Caught Up in the River of Capitalism

Sometimes the things we take for granted are exactly the things that we should question the most. The more and more I wander this lifetime, the more I gradually come to see that the underlying way we function as a society is truly off.  This realization began in earnest a couple of summers ago while […]

growth life VanLife

The Value of Pretty Much Nothing

I’m doing pretty much nothing, and I’m fairly sure that there isn’t anything one could add to make me happier. In fact, the less I do, the better everything seems. Seven days ago I arrived at the Hoh River in the Olympic National Forest on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington and have been trying my […]

belarus Jewish on traveling

Visions of Minsk

I couldn’t quite find the heart of Minsk. Some places just feel heavier than others and Minsk seems to fall in to that heavy category for me. Life there feels burdensome rather than something to be celebrated and enjoyed. I know that is a broad brush stroke with which to paint a place, but it’s […]

growth nepal on traveling

Travel, Presence and Cultivating Meaningful Work

It’s kind of amazing how quickly I can kick into a different mode while traveling. Something happens to me once I finish everything I need to finish prior to a trip. It’s always such a slog to ready my home for a summer of renters and preemtively prepare for a summer away. Sometimes I’ll change […]

life nepal

Right “Lively” Hood

I just left Nepal after being there for the past 6 weeks and I am feeling full of life and vibrancy. I’ve been reading the “Thank You” and “Safe Journey” letters I received from the kids at the orphanage and I stop after each few, partly because they bring me to tears with the love […]

favorites nepal

Opening a Blind Eye

From the dawn-laced window of my hotel room on a hilltop on the outskirts of Bhaktapur, the seat of one of the ancient kingdoms of the Kathmandu Valley, the skies are hazy from the many smokestacks of brick making operations. With the sun rising behind them in the distance, I find it peculiar how something […]

ethics nepal work

Wandering a World of Uneven Opportunity

While on this short trek, it feels so gratuitous to have hired a guide to carry my things. Saying thank you regularly doesn’t seem to truly assuage the awkwardness for me. As a vegetarian, I believe that my life shouldn’t necessarily dictate whether another life should end in service of my palate. In relating with […]