growth on traveling spirituality

The Inner Voyage of Discovery

I love long plane rides. Time so generously pauses while traveling by plane. Caught in that peaceful interlude somewhere between the inhale of home and the exhale of destination, you board a plane in one location and it scurries across time zones, chasing the sun westward or doubling the watch’s pace heading east. When the […]


Establishing Habits for Positive Change

Over the past several months, I have been playing with making positive changes in my life. In the process, I’ve learned a lot about habits, both positive and negative, and how to alter them. It is important when establishing new habits to make a commitment for a limited time. Open ended commitments are almost always […]

growth life work

Service and Self Worth

I’m recognizing how much our lives seem to be dictated by our perceptions of our own self worth. Questions of self worth seem to be pervasive in the human experience and play a great role in our motivations, both for self destruction as well as for moving in positive directions. I was recently writing in […]

favorites growth

Settling In

For many of us there can be a sense of clinging to an idea of a life other than the one which we are living. We may be living our lives, but we live them without a contentment and acceptance of that which we have been granted or have created. We may idealize a relationship […]