family life


Today is the day I dealt with the “Chicago portion” of my mom’s ashes. It was a wonderful experience. I drove to Foster Ave. beach where my mother loved to lie in the sun and swim and I set up a little altar. Nothing much, just a photograph of my mother and I together, my […]


Walking the Edge of Reality

I woke this morning at 5:47am. After being up after my Tuesday night poker game until midnight, that was a little early for me to be getting up. As I started my day, I noticed that I was feeling unsettled, like a low-level anxiety buzz in my system. There isn’t anything specific that has me […]

favorites home poems & stories spirituality

As Me

I’m back in my home again, and what a sweet place it is to be. When I pulled into the driveway, I sat there for a minute anticipating the smell of the sea air (which is something I had really missed). I got out and it was intoxicating. The air here is so alive, the […]

spirituality thailand

Getting the Mind Out of the Way of Sensing

I noticed something interesting today, about the mind and it’s effect on the eyes, on our capacity to see and be present with what we see. As I lay outside at my father’s place here in Thailand today, I noticed a tree which was the predominant object within my field of vision. I realized, however, […]