family life poems & stories

Fighting the Flow

A couple of poems I wrote while my nephews are visiting: fighting the flow we tried to change the flow of a river yesterday we three boys moving logs, mortaring with sand changing its course before it empties to the ocean doing that what we all do everyday fighting against the flow of our lives […]

favorites spirituality

Saying Yes to Our Experience

So I’m back onto the “Just Say Yes” exploration here again which began on my India trip. While there, I took my father’s parting advice to “just say ‘yes.” The point of which, I believe, was to be open to whatever magic might be served up while traveling. I found it to be a wonderful […]


Walking the Edge of Reality

I woke this morning at 5:47am. After being up after my Tuesday night poker game until midnight, that was a little early for me to be getting up. As I started my day, I noticed that I was feeling unsettled, like a low-level anxiety buzz in my system. There isn’t anything specific that has me […]