I’m still being deeply affected by my time at Rainbow although leaving there a couple of days ago. After leaving Rainbow for a couple of days in Porto, Portugal, the home of Port wine, I went out to dinner at a restaurant which had been recommended a man named Mario who was making and selling […]
Tag: community

Today is Day 10 at the European Rainbow gathering in Portugal and I’m still loving it here. There is something about living together in community which really touches me, which clearly draws me here. There is a split in me, however, in that I also have a tendency and a preference to isolate at times. […]
Good People

I sure appreciate having good people in my life. If nothing else, my epitaph someday could read, “Here lies Ted. Managed to attract really good people into his life.” Good people are a treat to be with. They mean well, lend a hand (or a supportive ear), say kind things, contribute to community, and try […]
The Urge to Cultivate

I want to explore a little here about gathering, cultivating and harvesting. Having spent most of my life in cities rather than on a farm or in the country, I didn’t really learn much about gardening and the natural rhythms of life that are mirrored in the cycle of cultivation. I’m noticing in my life […]

I’m so glad to be home. I wasn’t fully expecting this, but it’s just so nice being back here. I love this place, this ocean, the stars at night, the silences, the seals, the birds, my friends. Yesterday evening I walked out to the beach and went for a nice stroll. I’ve been craving getting […]
I’ve been noticing with a little bit of surprise and wonder how I’ve managed to come back to the United States and have such a seamless re-entry process. Today while walking in Berkeley with my friend Margie who was asking me about my trip to India, something started to come together. It’s actually quite interesting, […]