
  • My greatest creative love is songwriting. It’s something I’ve been doing most of my life. I love how a melody or chord structure or a simple song concept can appear of their own volition, kickstarting the creative process. When I’m lucky, a musical form starts to appear and I’ll sing random words and phrases until something starts to stick. Songs take time, take nurturance and they take a fair bit of crafting and honing to reach a final form. I have hundreds upon hundreds of snippets of melodies, lyrics and concepts that have yet to fully bloom, and truth be told, most never will. But those with a strong pull towards their own emancipation seem to have the ability to coax me into supporting the birth of their full expression. I’m gradually making video recordings of some of my songs which you can find here. I hope you’ll enjoy! You can also listen and subscribe on my YouTube channel here.

    “Freedom’s Call”

    I’m currently crewing on a sailboat sailing the South Pacific from French Polynesia to Fiji while stopping in a couple of places along the way. I’ve been waiting for just such a time and backdrop to record and release this video of my song “Freedom’s Call.” Crewing on this boat and two others earlier in…