I’m leaving Ukraine in a few days and heading back home. Actually, I’ll be going back to Chicago first to check in on some business stuff, friends and family. Hopefully I’ll be picking up a car in Chicago and driving back to California, spending a little time enroute I love sometimes how I wake up […]
Category: ukraine

I’m back in Chernivtsi in Ukraine, where I’ve been a few times over the past year now, and while I like it here, it’s easy for me to see how having a sense of purpose or activity in my life helps me to feel easy and comfortable, and how feeling a little less structured can […]

Off I go – onward from Ukraine. I really had a wonderful time there, especially in terms of adventures of the heart. Beyond relationship, though, Ukraine, while interesting to me, is just not a place that touches my heart so much. It’s beautiful, can be romantic in beautiful cities such as L’viv, and has lovely […]
Silence Please

Silence, Please You who have run my life, my plans, my past, my future. You may not have my present. This moment is mine. This love, my treasure. And you will not despoil it with your negations, temperings, sullyings, ruinations. Is this moment not good enough for you? The future, unfortunately, comes sufficiently too soon. […]
Sweet Moon Language

A friend of mine sent me this poem a few days ago and while it touched me then, it continues to seep into my soul in an unexpected way. With That Moon Language With That Moon Language Admit something: Everyone you see, you say to them, “Love me.” Of course you do not do this […]

Still in L’viv and heavy flakes are falling down on this New Year’s Eve day. Walked past a homeless woman with a large wooly dog and a large gathering of bags and wondered why I didn’t give her a generous gift. Would $10 really matter to me? Would it to her? Next to her was […]

Farewell Ukraine. On a plane on my way from Kiev towards a stop in London on my way back to the States. There was something special about Ukraine for me. Funny, though, I think I might be willing to say that about any place where I spend an extended period of time. I think one […]
Touched Hearts
Just got on a plane from Chernivtsi to Kiev as I am starting my return to the states, and I find that a woman that I met in Chervnitsi has woven a very sweet and tender silk around my heart. The first time I was in Chernivtsi, maybe a month ago now, I met a […]