I am done. Completely. Done with the more grueling travel part of this journey. I had hoped to move on to India from here in Sri Lanka, but I just simply have run out of steam and will opt instead for another nice option of visiting my father and his wife in Thailand. My cough […]
Category: sri lanka
I know what it is like to feel peaceful and still inside. I have had this experience as a way of being for a good part of this last year. This year isn’t starting off that way for me. Yesterday, however, it came back, maybe for about 20 minutes, but it did come back and […]

I’m going through a whole different thing at the moment, and I think it’s related to the hate thing I wrote about the other day, but it’s moved in another direction. It’s actually sadness. I am feeling sad. I’m also getting sick with a cold and have been for several days actually which is why […]

I think I need to throw out a counterbalancing entry here because both sides of the coin seem to be true here for me, I love it and I am hating it! Yesterday was a rougher day. I did let myself sleep in while in Anuradapura but then took the bus to Kandy at a […]
It didn’t take long. Yesterday I fell in love with Sri Lanka. Actually it’s almost as if I fell in love with Life, for life is happening here, it’s right here in Colombo on the streets, waiting for a bystander such as myself to get drawn into its ballet. I am realizing how much I […]
Sri Lanka – First Impressions

Just what the doctor ordered! I am so happy to be here in Sri Lanka. And warm!!!!! What I’ve missed, aside from the warm weather, has been warm smiles and here, as in India, they are doled out freely and frequently. Here people don’t avoid eye contact, and if you nod or smile, they return […]