growth love nepal

Unlearning to Unlove, an Unorthodox Path to Love

Love is not a learning, but a growth. All that is needed on your part is not how to learn the ways of love, but how to unlearn the ways of unlove.” ~Osho Unlearn the ways of unlove. Let that sink in for a minute. It’s a peculiar phrasing, I know, and one worth re-reading […]

life love

Eyes of Compassion

People who are special are very good at making other people feel special. It’s a well-honed talent which has it’s roots in humility and kindness. Joyce Hayes was a master at making others feel special. Although she just recently passed, she left a flotilla of people in her wake who, thanks to her generous heart and love, have […]

love nepal

Inexplicable Sweetness

It’s 3:30pm, and one by one the children from my Khan Academy math class start entering the room. It is difficult to express how sweet it feels when little Gita, or one of the other children pauses before entering, asking, “May I come in, brother?” “Of course you can, sweetheart” I reply, “You never have […]


Being In Love

I have a confession to make. I’m quite curious about what it means to be in love. Don’t get me wrong, I do love. I feel love very often, many many times each day, and tears can and often do come to my eyes just from the sensation of that love. But that love comes […]


Spreading the Love – Busted Again

I just got busted.  Not criminally busted, but caught once again writing “I Love You” as my signature when I charged a purchase yesterday.  The sales clerk looked at the signature (which they very rarely do in America), and twisted her face up a little as if her brain was struggling to fire the proper […]

favorites love

Saying “I Love You”

Of all the phrases in the English language, “I love you” seems to be one of the more challenging ones to say. “I love you” is very different than “love ya” or even “I love you too.” When I send a card to someone or perhaps an email, sometimes I’ll sign it “love,” or “love […]


Cosmic Situation

The heavenly illuminations in this image are galaxies.  Not stars, but galaxies, with each point of light housing its own collection of millions of stars.  I noticed yesterday that stars don’t really exist in my mind/experience during the daylight hours, but only when they are visible at night.  Somehow the depth and expanse of the […]

love poems & stories ukraine

Silence Please

Silence, Please You who have run my life, my plans, my past, my future. You may not have my present. This moment is mine. This love, my treasure. And you will not despoil it with your negations, temperings, sullyings, ruinations. Is this moment not good enough for you? The future, unfortunately, comes sufficiently too soon. […]