(started on 28-Jan-2010) Feeling very fragile right now. Very easily irritated and annoyed. I just want to be settled in somewhere that feels comfortable and like home. It’s been an ordeal trying to find a place to stay which feels comfortable and where I could stay for the length of my time here, and people […]
Category: home

I’m not fully sure what is happening lately, but while I was wiping out my freezer after having cleared it out and purged lots of old stuff, I had to start questioning whether I was undergoing a mid-life OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) crisis or whether my behavior was more reflective of the inner changes that […]

Last night, I was sitting downstairs in my home at a worktable I’ve set up, working on printing photographic images and also on a book project that has been brewing, and I acutely felt the quality of manifestation. It has a very warm, restful, satisfying feeling to it. There is something in my personality which […]

It’s quite powerful the pull that a land, a place can have on us, and how unabashedly quickly that can develop. When I left Ukraine by train a few weeks ago for a few days, 7 am departure towards Bulgaria, I was very strongly feeling the pull to stay, and the loss that comes from […]
I’ve been noticing with a little bit of surprise and wonder how I’ve managed to come back to the United States and have such a seamless re-entry process. Today while walking in Berkeley with my friend Margie who was asking me about my trip to India, something started to come together. It’s actually quite interesting, […]
As Me

I’m back in my home again, and what a sweet place it is to be. When I pulled into the driveway, I sat there for a minute anticipating the smell of the sea air (which is something I had really missed). I got out and it was intoxicating. The air here is so alive, the […]