
Bumping Up Against Spring

I’m bumping up against spring in a way I don’t recall having done so before. My feet feel like bulbs planted in the soil of winter yet they aren’t quite ready to reach for the bloom of sky. I’ve really needed this past winter, it feels, to just turn inward a little bit more, to […]

diet growth on traveling

Whose Life Is This Anyway?

How do we determine what we like, what we don’t, what we believe, what we don’t, what we want, what we don’t? The more I look at this, the more surprisingly difficult it seems to find the answers to these questions. In my last post, I wrote about an experience I had while jogging, which […]

favorites growth spirituality

I Am NOT That

I just recently finished a 9 day retreat, and while on that retreat, I somehow became more oppositional than I have ever been. It was so strong that I could hardly sit in the main meditation/teaching hall, and certainly didn’t want to listen. A voice and a power has been arising in me which rejects […]


Growing Up

Yesterday I went to see a skin specialist because of some poison oak which is affecting my eyes. I am not a pretty picture. When I got there, they checked my vital signs (weight, blood pressure, pulse, temperature) and also my height. I haven’t been measured vertically for many years, and I’ve always believed my […]

diet growth

Confessions of a Fermentation Obsessive

(top row l-r) almonds soaking, ginger lemon garlic spread made with almond nut meats, miso fig nut cheese, almond milk, sprouting wheat and rye for rejuvelac; (middle row) pickles, kimchee, apple ginger sauerkraut, fermented watermelon daikon, rejuvelac (bottom row) rye sourdough sponge, sourdough starter, kombucha, something I don’t remember, and finally some sprouting pumpkin seeds […]

growth spirituality

Phosphorescence, Knowingness and Totality

The other night I was in my hottub looking out at the ocean under a beautiful star-filled midnight sky.  There was no moon present so it was very dark, yet the waves had a luminance about them as they broke on the shore.  I pulled my camera equipment and tripod together and went down to […]



It’s been awhile since I’ve written here, I know. I’ve been going through some fairly large changes lately and simply haven’t felt the urge to write here. Actually the urge has arisen occasionally, but the mojo simply hasn’t been there to do so. An interesting development in my life recently has been that my body […]

favorites growth home life on traveling

The Urge to Cultivate

I want to explore a little here about gathering, cultivating and harvesting. Having spent most of my life in cities rather than on a farm or in the country, I didn’t really learn much about gardening and the natural rhythms of life that are mirrored in the cycle of cultivation. I’m noticing in my life […]