On my way returning to Kathmandu, Nepal to work with Nepal Orphan’s Home on using Khan Academy with their kids. While traveling there from London, I just barely caught my connection through Delhi. In the airport there, I noticed three distinct things: The pollution in Delhi is intense with the ground full of a haze […]
Category: diet

Today we are living through and largely partaking in what I believe will someday come to be known as The Great Animal Holocaust. As a global society, we eat the flesh of animals as part of our diets. Some regions, groups, and individuals, including myself, may choose otherwise, but by and large we consume animals […]
Fasting and a New Spring

As of this morning I am on day 6 of a clear liquids fast – just juices, broth,, water and tea. It’s a path towards cleaning out one’s system, removing toxins, and giving ones organs and digestive tract an opportunity to rest and rejuvenate. It’s also a time to focus on renewal and change. This […]
Whose Life Is This Anyway?

How do we determine what we like, what we don’t, what we believe, what we don’t, what we want, what we don’t? The more I look at this, the more surprisingly difficult it seems to find the answers to these questions. In my last post, I wrote about an experience I had while jogging, which […]

(top row l-r) almonds soaking, ginger lemon garlic spread made with almond nut meats, miso fig nut cheese, almond milk, sprouting wheat and rye for rejuvelac; (middle row) pickles, kimchee, apple ginger sauerkraut, fermented watermelon daikon, rejuvelac (bottom row) rye sourdough sponge, sourdough starter, kombucha, something I don’t remember, and finally some sprouting pumpkin seeds […]

“I think we are blind. Blind people who can see, but do not see.” ~Jose Saramago~ I’ve been noticing lately, how many things there are that we hide from ourselves so we don’t have to truly acknowledge what’s really happening. I realized it in Thailand while there recently with my father as he was putting […]
A Truthful Exploration of Diet

I’ve been eating vegetarian for the past 3 weeks or so and I want to write a little about that choice, to better explore what I’m doing and why. There is no question that it is related to the truth of my experience. It’s partly about health and partly about my compassion. The health thing […]