
The Truth and Letting Go – Hookie update

I think it’s time. I’m really realizing why I’m keeping Hookie around even though she hasn’t eaten in 3 days and is getting noticeably weaker. It’s because I’m not ready to let her go. Reminds me of a song I once wrote with the lyric, “And I know as I’m letting go/That I don’t want […]


Hookie and the Purity of Love

My dear little Hookie is dying. She has had a wonderful life and we’ve had the grace to share that together. 15 years together. She’s weakening, rarely if ever eating or drinking and getting a little wobbly on her 3 legs. It’s quite sad yet beautiful at the same time. What feels very true is […]



I’m noticing this morning how much I love and hate a word: “Silence.” The love part is the deepest joy and contentment that can be found in real silence, just being still and letting everything unfold moment by moment. The hate part is when there is much to be said in relationship or in the […]


Right Speech

I’ve recently become acutely aware of the concept of “Right Speech.” My experience of it has Buddhist origins. The Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, laid out the Noble Eightfold Path, which, if followed, help lead the pracitioner to enlightenment. Right Speech is the first principle of ethical conduct on the Eightfold Path. The Buddha explained right speech […]


Speaking the Truth

Time to write a little more about speaking the truth, what that entails, and at this point a curios exploration as to why we all so often dance around it. It seems that I, and I believe most of us, are plagued by a compromised tongue. There may be a truth we are feeling and […]


Comfort and Security

Something is brewing a little under the surface so I want to bring it to light, not to explain the “truth” of it, but to perhaps help me to get closer to understanding it, and hopefully help it to release it’s power over me. Last Thursday I was planning to go down to the Bay […]



I want a baby. I spent the past 5 days or so with my buddy Evan in Santa Fe where he moved with his girlfriend Vivian and their 19 month old girl Evie. While there, I got to play Mr. Mom with Evan and it was wonderful. You know, I love my cat Hookie, but […]


Photography and Truth

I just had a party at my home last night. It was a going away party for my friend bj quintana who is moving to Taos and also a Gallery Opening for my home photography gallery. bj had helped me to frame and hang a dozen of my images in the large downstairs room I […]