india Uncategorized

Full Moon Walk around Arunachala

I’m going to keep this one quick as it’s hot and I need to rest a little. Last night I walked around Arunachala by full moon with about 100,000 other people. What a scene. People just walking and walking, with roadside stops for food, many many temples with hundreds of people queued up to go […]


Birds, Sacred Places, and Intimate Portraits

Still loving India. Went to the Vedenthangal bird sanctuary for a day which was great. Hundreds of thousands of birds, including huge gorgeous Painted Storks, Spoonbills, Great Ibises, Egrets, Herons, etc. The phone number to the only lodging there (4 rooms) was wrong so I went there with the faith of finding a room. Got […]

favorites india

You Are The Divine

The other morning, I awoke early at 4:12a (according to my $4 Bistec Indian Sport Watch) and decided to walk down to the temple because I had heard that there are prayers there early. I walked there by the fluorescent street lamps placed a couple of hundred feet apart, past the small dilapidated concrete temple […]


Heart Break Ahead

I came to the realization after posting my last entry that my heart is going to break here in India, and probably break 100 times over. As amazingly open as I feel here, I am feeling the wall that protects my heart, that has such a very hard time letting the suffering in. I do […]


Happy Birthday to You, May Baba Bless You…

The adventure continues, and amazingly so. In Chennai I had met an elderly man named Arumagan who owns a restaurant in Chennai, and because my camera had temporarily started working again at his restaurant, he said I must go see Baba and give thanks and get his blessing as it was a miracle. I agreed, […]

favorites india

The Happiest of New Years

Dear God, what a night!What a New Year’s Eve! What a life to be alove (again that pesky typo) alive in. I’m still in Chennai and yesterday evening, I finally got my camera sent off to Delhi for repair and arranged for a loaner camera which I received.It’s not a full frame sensor like mine […]

favorites india

Alove in India

India! This place is F***ing CRAZY. I don’t think there is anything that anyone can tell you, if you haven’t been to a major city in India, that can prepare you for what it’s like. There are people everywhere, and they are doing everything all at the same time. I don’t know how to describe […]


Holidays and Self Compassion

Spending the holidays here in Thailand where my father lives with his wife of 23 years, Sandra. Savoring time spent here as these times in life are all too rare when everyone is in good health and spirits. Trying my hardest to keep my heart open. Read a talk given by the Dalai Lama about […]