
Love Expressing Itself

I’d like to further exploring here my relationship to relationship and where and how Love fits in. As I had written about previously, I’ve been noticing more clearly how if I am connected to a woman in a romantic way, even if it’s just in a longing way, I feel better about myself and more […]


Love Mantra and The Posture of Love

Wasn’t planning on it, but I ended up getting darshan (hug) from Amma again yesterday. I had been completely restless at night for a couple of nights with a buzzing energy in my body. I had been thinking it was the antibiotics I was on, but then in talking with a friend here, I started […]


The Vacuum of India for Self Study

One of the wonderful things about travelling and spending an extended time alone in an unfamiliar environment is that it can really serve as a laboratory for personal understanding. In essence it’s like living in a vacuum, as the normal interactions, familiar surroundings, standing friendships and community networks, convenient distractions, and daily living patterns all […]


Amma Darshan

Yesterday afternoon, I went for my own darshan with Amma. I still wasn’t sure if I would, but I at least wanted to see it happening and decide there. It was a mob of sorts, with people standing around her trying to be near her and see her hugging others, and trying to get to […]


Nocturnal Amma Hug

Going along with my “Just Say Yes” principle for traveling in India, and perhaps now for life as well, I was invited by some friends I made in Tiruvannamalai to go with them to Amma’s ashram in Kerela. A stammering “maybe” followed by a “yes” emerged and a 2 hour taxi, a 12 hour sleeper […]



Been singing lots of Bhajans here in India and I’m beginning to warm up to them. They are call and response type devotional songs, simple, lyrical which express love for the Divine. We sang them at the retreat I was on every evening, and this morning a large group of about 50 got together at […]


The Path to Obliteration

Just had a massage today by a very gifted woman. She is very intuitive and actually does the massage with her eyes closed. I seem to have a renewed sense of energy this evening, but that could be from eating protein this morning in the form of a can of Sardines with crackers, or perhaps […]

speaking the truth

For Whom Am I Writing?

For whom am I writing this blog? It’s time I wrote about this a little because my “readership” if you want to call it that has grown, and I guess I want to clear the roadway a little bit for truthful writing to emerge. When I first started writing the blog back in August of […]