family life


Today is the day I dealt with the “Chicago portion” of my mom’s ashes. It was a wonderful experience. I drove to Foster Ave. beach where my mother loved to lie in the sun and swim and I set up a little altar. Nothing much, just a photograph of my mother and I together, my […]


Healing Laughing and Hugging

I just want to write a little about an amazing person, my sister-in-law Barb. She’s my brother Jeff’s wife and it is beyond question for me that she laughs more than anyone I have ever met. And it’s incredibly genuine and attractive. She just laughs all the time and giggles and is full of life. […]

america family

Journey of Ashes – Beginning

Here I am at the beginning of this trip, a trip which will include disposing of my mother’s ashes. It is a pilgrimage of sorts, which is really just a subset of this larger pilgrimage in my life, to fully find and become my self, my true self, without overlay of past or future. It […]


Mom’s Ashes

As I mentioned in my last post, part of the reason for this trip is to dispose of my share of my mom’s ashes. It’s something I’ve never dealt with and it’s time. Yesterday, July 1st, was the 11th anniversary of her death. She died in 1998 from cancer which had spread to her liver. […]

on traveling


It’s time for me to travel some again and I’m feeling a lot of resistance coming up so I want to explore here what that is about for me. I’m renting my house out starting July 2nd to various groups of vacationers for the summer so I need to vacate the house and move on […]

favorites spirituality

Saying Yes to Our Experience

So I’m back onto the “Just Say Yes” exploration here again which began on my India trip. While there, I took my father’s parting advice to “just say ‘yes.” The point of which, I believe, was to be open to whatever magic might be served up while traveling. I found it to be a wonderful […]

favorites growth india

Turning One’s Eyes Toward Suffering

I just realized something this morning. In preparing for my first dharma talk which I’ll be giving at Kumeido in Little River this afternoon, and I was thinking about my travels in India, I was thinking about the eye contact I would try to have with people while there, especially the people asking for money […]


Walking the Edge of Reality

I woke this morning at 5:47am. After being up after my Tuesday night poker game until midnight, that was a little early for me to be getting up. As I started my day, I noticed that I was feeling unsettled, like a low-level anxiety buzz in my system. There isn’t anything specific that has me […]