I did it. I brought what remains of my mother’s ashes to rest with her first husband Joe in a cemetery in France. (Please read previous post first for more background). It was a powerful and truly wonderful experience. What clearly stands out for me in this experience is the amount of grief that we […]
Author: Ted Seymour
I am on my way to the cemetery in France with some of my mothers ashes. As I mentioned in a previous post, I am bringing her to rest with her first husband Joe (or Joey as she referred to him) DeRidder who died in Europe during World War II and whose remains are buried […]
I Am 46
I am 46 years old. 46 ½ actually. So? To some of you that may seem old and to some that may seem rather young. In recent years, my age has begun to feel a little older than I would like to be. I think that is actually true for most people over the age […]
I’m in London at the moment, as I’ve really enjoyed my time in England these past several weeks. I seem to have connected with a really good group of people, people who are fairly conscious, and who are either creating art, trying to make the world a better place or trying to make themselves a […]
It all gets a little tricky when we try to implement our spiritual realizations with our lives as humans. I went through a very challenging day a few days ago still struggling with whether or not to travel with Shanti. Although you may have read in my recent post that I had decided against going, […]
I wrote this post several days ago at the tail end of the Buddhafield festival in England. Since then, I’ve been unable to find my charger so I haven’t had access to this. I just made friends with someone with a similar computer so I was able to borrow their charger. Anyway, here’s something important. […]
(This post written a couple of days ago). I’m at the Buddhafield Festival gathering at the moment near Glastonbury, England and am definitely loving it. It’s a large gathering of people who share a love of community, a capacity for celebration, are trying to live more consciously, and many of whom are working actively towards […]
I’m learning something about sexual power and energy and I like that which is beginning to become clear. I’m in the south of England right now and I’ve spent a couple of days with my friend Paul whom I met while traveling in India. He’d quite an amazing person and one whom I feel I […]