growth love nepal

Unlearning to Unlove, an Unorthodox Path to Love

Love is not a learning, but a growth. All that is needed on your part is not how to learn the ways of love, but how to unlearn the ways of unlove.” ~Osho Unlearn the ways of unlove. Let that sink in for a minute. It’s a peculiar phrasing, I know, and one worth re-reading […]

growth on traveling spirituality

The Inner Voyage of Discovery

I love long plane rides. Time so generously pauses while traveling by plane. Caught in that peaceful interlude somewhere between the inhale of home and the exhale of destination, you board a plane in one location and it scurries across time zones, chasing the sun westward or doubling the watch’s pace heading east. When the […]

favorites growth spirituality Uncategorized

Loving Support – The Elixir of Life

Lately, I’ve been recognizing how thoroughly invaluable we all are to each other along our journey of becoming the true beings that we were meant to be. We play critical roles in helping each other to believe in ourselves and come to know our own value. Almost always our own worst critic, without others in […]

growth life

Welcome to Our Shared Humanness

Difficulties occur in life. Challenges arise for all of us. The beauty of it all is that these struggles are something which, if attended to, can deeply connect us. Think for a moment about whatever may currently be bringing some difficulty in your life. Perhaps these challenges are manifesting in any or all of the […]

life love

Eyes of Compassion

People who are special are very good at making other people feel special. It’s a well-honed talent which has it’s roots in humility and kindness. Joyce Hayes was a master at making others feel special. Although she just recently passed, she left a flotilla of people in her wake who, thanks to her generous heart and love, have […]


Retraction from Previous Orphanage Post

I feel as if I want to issue a retraction of sorts on that last post that I made. I’ve been feeling like something wasn’t quite right about it. I believe I’m right, or least in the ballpark when it comes to the general underbelly of the orphanage system here in Nepal. Where I think […]


The Judgment / Love Switch

There isn’t anybody, as far as I can tell, about whom I don’t carry some form of judgment. I discovered this earlier this year while I was on a retreat and as I looked around the room at a large group of people whom I know fairly well. Was this true? I tilted my head […]


A View from Fifty

I said to one of my visiting friends the morning after my 50th birthday party, as I was carrying out some recycling: “after 50, chop wood and carry water.”  It’s a take off on the Zen saying: Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water; After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. I then added, “and […]