“Fresh Baguette” is a song I wrote recently while camping in my van alongside the Hoh River on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington. It came through relatively quickly over a few days of concerted effort, but it took about another month for the song to finally stop moving and relax into the form in which you hear it. The song reflects my appreciation of life, mentioning many of the things that I personally like with each verse ending with a reflection of the kind of people I appreciate. When the song started to come into being, the verses were alternating between what I like and what I hate, but I quickly came to find that I really didn’t enjoy writing or singing about hate. I don’t mind writing sad or poignant songs but why would I want to regularly remind myself about what really bothers me? Thus the chorus of the song was born which acknowledges that while life isn’t easy, there’s no need to spend what precious time remaining bringing other people down.
I have found that my van truly serves as a creative incubator, especially when I find myself for an extended time nestled into a beautiful place. The world of responsibilities slows its call and and space arises for creative expression to appear. I often find the process of writing music to be kind of magical, as a song appears seemingly out of nowhere and makes it’s voice heard in the world. It takes focused work to craft a piece of music as concept, melody, chord structure, key, rhythm, pace and story all have to come together in a way that feels cohesive, feels true to my soul and hopefully universal enough for others to relate to. Many different verses kept trying to work their way in but at some point every song begs to be distilled into its essential nature and I believe I’ve found that here. I hope you enjoy…

Fresh Baguette
I like laid back, and cuttin’ slack,
Wandering’ the world with a backpack,
A love bus with a luggage rack,
And people who give up the fast track.
I like a bon fire, a gospel choir,
Singin’ with folks that I admire,
Warm clothes from a tumble dryer,
And people whose smiles can lift you higher.
Life ain’t easy don’t you know it?
Lord knows there’s enough to make you frown,
But sure ‘nough time ain’t standing still,
So you know I will
Not waste it tryin to bring you down.
I like a sun set, a good sweat,
Tearin’ a hunk from a fresh baguette,
Livin’ my life without regret,
And people with a positive mindset.
I like free will, time to chill,
A cat sleepin’ on a window sill,
Time in the day just for sittin still,
And people out spreadin’ their good will.
Life ain’t easy don’t you know it?
Lord knows there’s enough to make you frown,
But sure ‘nough time ain’t standing still,
so you know I will
Not waste it tryin to bring you down.
I like fig trees, bumblebees,
Dreamin’ about who we might be,
An old friend with a cup of tea,
And people agreein’ to disagree.
I like livin’ free, the salty sea,
Soakin up some vitamin D,
A hammock strung from a shady tree
And all the good people fillin’ this world I see.
And all you good people fillin’ this world I see.
For those musicians who might want to learn the song for themselves, here’s the basic chord structure:
Capo 5th fret
G Bm7
I like laid back, cuttin’ slack,
Wandering’ the world with a backpack,
A Love bus with a luggage rack
And people who give up the fast track.
The chorus goes like this:
Life ain’t easy don’t you know it
Lord knows there’s enough to make you frown
Sure ‘nough time ain’t standing still
so you know I will
Not waste it tryin to bring you down.
10 replies on ““Fresh Baguette””
Love it!!! thank you for sharing it and sending love
Linda miller
Thank you Linda. I hope life is treating you well.
Absolutely love this.. so well written (I always loved John Prine in Chicago and your writing is in a similar vein) let me know when the CD comes out or you are in concert. When We travel up the California coast hope to see you I truly enjoy your writing, music and performance Ted!!! BRAVO!!!
Thanks Cyndi, I appreciate very much the Prine comparison. He’s one of my songwriting heroes. Lately I’ve especially been drawn to his “Long Monday” song. I have another one I’ve written this summer called Battle Cry which has some “Sam Stone” flavors.
Hi Ted, great song, thanks.
Hey Ted,
I like your song—especially the lyrics.
Thanks! (I thought you sang”fake” trees do I had to check. Fig. Me too.)
Hah that’s funny. I’ll have to work on my enunciation! Def not fake! Hope you’re doing well.
Great Song
I like the cadence, the way it goes to a standstill and rolls on
Wow. This is the first I’ve heard your own song and I give it an A, plus I love story songs and you sing in the key of universal consciousness: bits pop out forever memorable. I’m loving fig trees n bumblebees right now. This song in its waterfall of sonnet-like lyrics has an aroma of where Oscar + Hammerstein’s “Favorite Things” meets Woody or Arlo Guthry. It’s very real and has appeal. And ya know, John Lee Hooker was a friend the end of his life. I was the only one with him the day he died the first time. He had NO PULSE. I called all the EMTs and his doctor and some family. I managed to revive him before they got there!! He died later forever, however, in the wee hours of next day. Reason I am sayin’ this is … he was great but didn’t get fully noticed until he was 75 and cut the beautiful album “The Healer”. You’ve got miles n miles of smiles n time and travels n songs to sing. You are a very good, direct story teller And you’re very clean (as Integrity goes)! … And, I admire how well put-together your website is, too. Wow and how. Congrats!
Thank you Laura. I appreciate the Rodgers and Hammerstein /Guthrie parallel. My mom was an Smerican Songbook jazz singer (Lucy Reed) so I have some influences there, but lately have seen my writing veering more into folk and country, Guthrie/Prine influences. I appreciate your support and kind words.