It touches something very tribal in me, and I suspect in many of those attending as well. For millenia, life was lived somewhat akin to this, where people shared responsibilities for the common good, gathered to celebrate rituals, taught each other handicrafts and other important skills and ate meals together. Seeing the teepees and tents, communal kitchen, other spaces for various functions (Healing Area, Sacred Area, Children’s Area, Yoga of Nature Area, Shambala etc.), and the thousands of hands joined in a circle at mealtimes, singing and ending in a long Om chant before eating just makes me feel part of something bigger, something more natural, something kinder, something more intentional, something simpler. To boil it down, it feels much more like the way life is supposed to be lived, and it warms my heart to be able to be here and participate.

I have some friends who every other year take a trip from the states, generally to Europe, to go on a week-long golfing extravaganza, golfing some of the nicest courses in the world. The tab for the trip tends to be in the $5,000 range and I did it once to Scotland about 10 years ago. While the trips are fun, I wish they would somehow leave that world for a week or two and attend one of these Rainbow gatherings. It simply is a mind expander. I love pushing the edges of my boundaries, softening the calcified folds of my mind, and this opportunity to wade around in an entirely different world is truly a mind-expanding blessing and gift.
In the spirit of mind-expansion, I ran upon a man walking backwards the other day on my way toward the food circle. I spun around and joined him for a backward stroll for several hundred meters. As we walked together, we bandied about the various benefits of walking backwards – exercising different muscles, more eye contact with other people, learning to trust, more focus on the present and less on the future, uses different synapses and neural pathways in the brain and nervous system, etc. etc. It was literally and figuratively an entirely new perspective on how I see things. I also have had several conversations with people who have very different worldviews, and I do my best to listen attentively and with curiosity rather than holding fast to the ways in which I have held reality.
I’ve volunteered a couple of times since being here, helping with food preparation in the kitchen, carrying food to the kitchen, and also helping to schlep and prepare some long heavy tree trunks for a communal yippee (a cross between a yurt and a teepee). I find the more that I give, the better I feel. By nature, I struggle some with generosity so this is a great place to practice that expansion. Perhaps this whole rainbow thing is simply a huge experiment in the power of generosity. The amount of volunteer effort expended toward making this gathering not only function,but become a beautiful, sacred event is inspiring. Daily there are at least 20 different workshops and classes that people offer, simply walking around the food circle and announcing their free offerings.
I also love the “Rainbow” of people I’ve met here, so far coming from these countries: Portugal, Spain, England, Italy, Switzerland, Holland, Germany, Poland, Israel, Ukraine, Ireland, France, United States, Canada, and Finland.
What can I say, I’m fluffing out the wrinkles of my inner hippie and I’m loving it.