I sure appreciate having good people in my life. If nothing else, my epitaph someday could read, “Here lies Ted. Managed to attract really good people into his life.” Good people are a treat to be with. They mean well, lend a hand (or a supportive ear), say kind things, contribute to community, and try to leave behind a world better than the one they found. I remember hanging with my brother Jeff several years back, (he’s another one of those good people), and he said to me something along the lines of “it’s really amazing just how many wonderful people there are in this world.” It’s such a lovely perspective with which he holds the world, and one which I believe in fact to be true.

When my mind struggles with things, I can become shortsighted in not seeing all of the blessings I may have. As I arise this morning, the blessings in my life seem innumerable, and many of them appeared last night bearing potluck delectables.